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20 Minute Warm Up Routine Michael Davis Pdf Free: The Ultimate Resource for Brass Musicians


The 20 Minute Warm-Up Routine is a dynamic, comprehensive set of 15 exercises and 15 play-along tracks that will both warm you up and work you out. This routine will absolutely energize your practice routine. It gives you the opportunity to play along with and emulate four of the world's finest brass players.

20 Minute Warm Up Routine Michael Davis Pdf Free

I started running in my early 40`s, running mainly longer distances up to 85k in 8 hours in my late 40`s, plus lots of marathons and Ironman distance triathlons. At age 61 my pace has slowed down to a 6m/k for easy runs. It is really important for me to start very slow (7m/k) for the first 10 minutes since it takes a lot longer to warm up these days. Most runs on the flat are these easy runs to build up endurance and my VO2 max. My hard runs are mostly mountain runs (1200m climb, walked apart from the very gentle uphills, and running down. One would think that running downhill wrecks the knees, but touch wood, mine are fine. I am a midfoot striker, even on the steep downhills, maybe that has something to do with it, it certainly helps with traction on the slippery parts. Great to overtake all these youngsters!

The PEP Program can be done on a field. It requires no special equipment. The PEP Program takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete and should replace your standard warm-up routine. The exercises should be completed in the order listed below. The program should be done two or three times each week.

Kechijian has worked with every type of athlete in the book, from Special Forces soldiers and NBA stars to professional outdoorspeople and amateur gym-goers. He says the majority of people dream up and then abandon complicated warm-ups. In reality, he says, most of us have the same tight areas and benefit from the same drills, so a one-size-fits-all routine is more feasible than you might think. Kechijian pulled the six most-powerful moves from his arsenal and bundled them into your new no-excuses warm-up routine. Move through the set continuously before jumping into your workout.


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